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Group of cyclists in Nuuksio National Park

Explore Espoo by Bike

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Espoo is a great city to explore on your bike! Maybe even keep a diary of your cycling trips, share it with others, and follow our cycling tips! Cycling is so much fun so why not share it with others! Before going outdoors and exploring Espoo, have a look at suggested cycling routes.

Explore Cycling Routes here


You can find about 30 km trails for cyclists in Nuuksio National Park as well. Please notice that not all trails are permitted for cyclists.

Explore suggested Nuuksio National Park gravel trail here

 Find out more about Nuuksio National Park cycling trails here

People cycling over the bridge in forest
Photo: Natura Viva


South by Cycle is a versatile and fascinating bike-packing trail between Uusimaa and Kymenlaakso. It is a collection of nature’s unique gems, cultural history, and loads of romantic countryside. The nearly 900-kilometer long trail offers quality time for everyone, from the amateur to the adventurer. Cycle a longer section at a time or experience a weekend getaway: the trail is easily reached by train, bus, or metro.

More information about South by Cycle

The Western Uusimaa Tour

The Western Uusimaa tour is a cycling route that starts from Helsinki. Along the route, you can find the Nuuksio National Park, ridge and lakeside trails in Lohja, Fiskars village, Billnäs, and Mustio ironworks and Mustio Manor, Inkoo harbor, beaches in Kopparnäs, Siuntio Castle, Meiko recreational area, Hvitträsk national museum and the coastal trails of Espoo and Helsinki. The route combines nicely the most beautiful hiking trails and nature sites of the region with the seascapes of the southern coast. The total length of the route is 293km and the duration is 4-5 days. The route is suitable for both campers and those preferring guesthouse accommodation.

The Nuuksio National Park overnight trip

The Nuuksio National Park overnight trip is a cycling route that starts in the center of Helsinki. The route runs through Helsinki Central Park to Pitkäskoski on the Vantaanjoki River and from there to the Nuuksio Lake Uplands. The return to the starting point takes place by continuing cycling through Nuuksio National Park to Veikkola and from there to Kirkkonummi train station. The commuter train connection from Kirkkonummi to Helsinki takes less than an hour, when using the local train connection, the length of the route will be 90 km. Alternatively, one can also return to Helsinki following the coastal routes of the Western Uusimaa tour, which means that the entire trip will be 146 km long. The duration of the route is 1-2 days. The route is suitable for both campers and those who use the accommodation services of Nuuksio National Park.

Two cyclists standing and snacking by the lake in forest
Photo: Poppis Suomela


Explore the Sports Tracker service and routes that Visit Espoo has created for you! By creating your own profile, you have the chance to share your own routes with us. Of course, you can print these maps into your pocket and go out to explore the cycling routes in Espoo.

  • Visit Espoo Culture - The route starts from Tapiola Central Tower and continues to Otaranta in Otaniemi and Keilalahti. When cycling back to Tapiola one can pass Kino Tapiola and Tapiola church. The route is 7,2 km long and takes about 35-40 minutes.
  • Visit Espoo Sea - Beautiful landscape, delightful scenery, beaches, and possibility to hop onboard an archipelago boat from Haukilahti or Mellsten beach. This route is safe and is suitable for children as well. The route is 9 km long and takes about 40 minutes.
  • Visit Espoo Nature  - Along the trip, one can stop in Pirttimäki Recreational Area and have a coffee break or grill sausage. Go for a swim in Myllyjärvi. Backby Manor is located at the end of Lake Bodom and is a great place to stop by or stay over a night or two. The route ends to Bemböle Coffee House. The route is 17,5 km long and takes about 1 hour 15 minutes.
  • Visit Espoo Workout - Longer and more challenging route, but enjoyable cycling terrain along the King's Road and Waterfront Walkway. Along the Waterfront Walkway, there is beautiful seaside scenery and cosy summer cafés and beaches. One can become acquainted with the Espoo cathedral and Espoo Manor. The route is 53 km long and takes about 3 hours.
  • Visit Espoo Goes Helsinki - Marine route from Espoo to Helsinki and back! Good starting points are for example Klaus K, Stockmann, Keilaniemi or Meilahti. Scenic landscape and good cycle tracks. The route is 20 km long and takes about 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Hero Image: Natura Viva