Get to know Espoo through its historical sights and local stories. Here, you can find museums and exhibitions inspired by Finnish history, Espoo's locals, modern art, and wonderful Finnish nature.

KAMU – Espoo City Museum
KAMU – Espoo City Museum is known for collecting the cultural history of the City of Espoo and its residents. You can visit their 5 museums in different parts of Espoo and always learn something new. As a part of KAMU are Espoo City Museum, Glims Farmstead Museum, Pentala Archipelago Museum, Villa Museum Villa Rulludd, and Lagstad School Museum.
Espoo Museum of Modern Art – EMMA
A home to modern art and inspiring stories – that is Espoo Museum of Modern Art – EMMA. Here, you can dive into the world of contemporary art on your own, explore more through guided tours, or join one of EMMA's events and talks.
Exhibition Centre WeeGee
A museum, exhibition, and event hub located in the Tapiola district and a house designed by Finnish architect Professor Aarno Ruusuvuori (1925-1992). You can explore the unique Futuro House, the building's architecture and history, and famous Finnish fairytales from Mauri Kunnas. Espoo Museum of Modern Art EMMA and KAMU - Espoo City Museum are also located in the same building.
Finnish Nature Centre Haltia
Finnish Nature Centre Haltia is a paradise for any nature lover. In a sustainably designed building, you will find a fascinating exhibition(s) on Finnish nature – from local flying squirrels to artificial northern lights and much more. The place is also a great starting point for hiking, refreshments after the hike in Restaurant Haltia, or preparation, as you can rent a great amount of outdoor and camping gear from Haltia Shop.
The Museum of Play – Leikki
An interactive museum that will transfer you into your childhood. The Museum of Play – Leikki is a place that supports the joy of playing. Whether you are a grownup or a family traveling with children, you can let your creativity and curiosity play here. Note: Check also their great events and happenings!
The Finnish Museum of Horology and Jewellery Kruunu
Museum Kruunu invites you to explore the world of time and jewellery, which is explained via temporary exhibitions – from history, current trends, and future predictions.
Nature House Villa Elfvik
Art Nouveau villa from 1904 and a nature house located in Laajalahti Nature Reserve with interactive exhibitions on Espoo's diverse nature and tips for a sustainable lifestyle. A great day trip destination for families with free admission and a Café open during weekends.

Gallen-Kallela Museum
An art museum with changing exhibitions is located on the premises of Akseli Gallen-Kallela – one of the most well-known Finnish artists. The museum stages temporary exhibitions featuring both the historical and contemporary art of Akseli Gallen-Kallela. Besides that, visitors can enjoy the surrounding Laajahlahti Nature Reserve area, borrow bird-watching and art kits, as well as refreshments in Tarvaspää Café Zoceria.
Helinä Rautavaara Museum
A museum of world cultures built from collections and stories of Helinä Rautavaara – a unique explorer, journalist, and collector. The museum has the largest collection of West African objects, photographs, and recordings, and aims to increase understanding and dialogue between cultures.
Espoo Car Museum
A car museum with over 200 vehicles, from cars, bicycles, and motorcycles to equipment on display. This oldest Finnish car museum is located in an old stone stable from 1915, right next to Backby Manor Hotel. The exhibition introduces a piece of Finnish automotive culture, from vintage cars to the 50s Americans and from microcars to everyday vehicles. The museum is open to the public from spring to autumn, and you can combine the visit with a lunch or spa treatment at Backby Manor or explore the Oittaa Recreational Area.
Current exhibitions and events

Miksi siilillä on piikit? - näyttelyopastus eläinten sopeutumisesta

Hiihtoloman riemua Glimsissä

Museo Kruunun hiihtoloma

Bryk & Wirkkala -katseluvarasto

Kosketus: Saastamoisen säätiön kokoelmanäyttely

Leikin laboratorio -näyttely

Mauri Kunnas -näyttely

Kokeileva konkretismi

Tokiosta Tapiolaan - japanilaisen populaarikulttuurin harrastaminen Suomessa -erikoisnäyttely

Metsä palaa! -erikoisnäyttely

Tschabalala Self: Samasta korttelista

Nuuksion kansallispuisto -ulkonäyttely Haltiassa

Minun maailmani II

Ajan ammattilaiset – 80 vuotta perinteistä kädentaidon opetusta ja tulevaisuuden teknologiaa

Vuoden Luontokuva 2024 -kilpailun voittajat esillä Haltiassa

Vuoden luontokuvat 2024 -näyttely

Rami Saarikorpi: Ultraviolet Reality

Kuukauden taiteilija: Sonja Kettunen

Pop-up: Aqua Ambra Aquila

Svetlana Ruoho, Turvaa, Rakkautta ja Pinkkiä

Sirkku Ala-Harja, maalauksia

TALVI - Yhteisakvarellinäyttely

Talvilomatekemistä Haltiassa, Nuuksiossa

Talviloma Museo Leikissä

Kysy Siskoilta

Haltian Retkilauantai 2025

Agatha Christies Spindelnätet

Romanttinen huilu - Claudi Arimany

Kani Untuvakerä - Teatteri Hevosenkenkä

Jääshow - TV on ice!

Metsä kuiskaa
Hero Image: Antti Kangassalo